Writing Tutoring Hours
LATS is available for in-person and online writing tutoring Monday-Friday from 10:30am-6pm. Make an appointment at ucsandiego.mywconline.com to work with one of our 16 highly-trained writing facilitators. Our facilitators come from all the different colleges and from all different majors. They are trained to give you the tools to become more confident in your writing, whether it’s for a class or a writing project, such as a scholarship essay, personal statement, or research proposal. We’re here to provide supportive, non-judgmental guidance for all your writing concerns.
Community Write-in Sessions with Campus Partners
At LATS, we want to provide more opportunities for students to engage with writing in a low-stakes way. Community Drop-in Hours allow students to work in community with not only our peer writing facilitators, but also their friends and classmates to make progress on a writing project. For Fall 2024, we’re partnering with the Undergrad Research Hub and International Services and Engagement Office to provide writing support for URH applications and international students working on their college writing program or analytical writing program assignment. Stay updated on dates and times by following us on Instagram (@oasislats).

Learn more about our diverse team of writing facilitators to see how their specializations and language comfort levels can meet your needs.
OASIS Language Arts Tutorial Services
Center Hall, Third Floor
OASIS Front Office Phone: (858) 534-3760
Hours: LATS offers one-on-one tutoring Monday-Friday. Check out our availability at ucsandiego.mywconline.com.

Email: oasislats@ucsd.edu
Mailing Address: 9500 Gilman Drive
Mail Code 0045 La Jolla, CA 92093-0045
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